Post 5: Changes to my study programme

In my major are many good things, for example I like the subject of Orchestra, there we can play a lot of differents pieces of differents composers, the bad thing about this is the time that we have to use in the subject. Besides it starts very late, so I have to be in the University until de night and come home very late, and the next day go back to class very early, so it's very tiring. Althought this fact, I enjoy playing in the Orchestra with other instruments. Also sometimes a really good Orchestra conductor come to teaching us, his name is Pedro Pablo Prudencio and we learn a lot with him. A subject that I think it's a waste of time and what I would eliminate is Art history. It's focused for other Majors, like "Teoría del arte" but not for musicians, so it seems to me so bored. Talking about infrastucture, I think that we have enogh space, the faculty it's so bigger but the problem is that it's very abandoned, for example we haven't new curtain...